Original Post by Bonus Joe on 8/3/15
Hi All! Rather then re-write a backstory, I decided to republish some of my old posts to give a little context into my hobby world. I hope you enjoy! ~Bonus Joe
I recently started a new game that has been extremely beneficial in helping me find my "zen" during the course of my treatment. The game is called Saga (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/101865/saga) and is a semi-historical game whose first edition takes places in the Dark Ages and second edition during the Crusades. My friend Jeremy has been playing and praising this game for about a year now, but I stumbled into it through a trade. I had been looking to move my Doomtown core set and my buddy Corey was looking to get into it. To trade he had this:
This was not exactly an even trade for my Doomtown core and 1st expansion, but I didn't care because 1) it was Corey and 2) my Doomtown was collecting dust. We met at my local game store, swapped (Corey was nice enough to throw in all the extra Saxon bits he had) and I was on my way into the world of Saga.
If you are familiar with Saga at all, you may notice that these are not the official miniatures. Their official ones are made by Gripping Beast and feature a fantastic line of metals and plastics. These Wargames Factory mini's are also famous... for being cheap (in both price and quality, haha) It mattered not, I had decided that I was going to paint these miniatures myself, so I was convinced my paint job would be worse than the miniatures anyway...
Over the past few years, my motor skills have deteriorated as I have been sick. My hands have become shaky and sometimes just twitch like they have a mind of their own. This has led to a severe lack of confidence and desire to paint, and I would usually pay or get a generous friend to paint my stuff. However, I used to really enjoy painting. In fact, when I was in high school my only real connection to the hobby was painting or creating scenery. I had plenty of gaming stuff, but did not know anyone other than my brother to actually play with. I really didn't know how to find a gaming group, and was sadly too shy to ask. It's a shame really, because I know I would have enjoyed it, and it would have been good for me... but to quote my friend Dustin, c'est la vie!
My friends Albert, Danny, and Jeremy recently helped me repaint and light my Star Wars: Armada Ships (That will be a whole different post this one is already getting to long...) and it was as if something had awakened in me. Suddenly, I felt the desire... no the need to paint again! I don't know if it was learning from them, sharing techniques, or the little bit of work I did myself but the "creative bug" was back! Now that I was armed with a box of miniatures, it was time to get to work on my Viking army!
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